Want to Know More About What the Process Entails?
This is the map I’ll use for our work together. 


The Why.

Maybe you’ve been pondering it for years, or maybe the idea just came to you in a flash last week, but determining why you want to do a podcast or audiobook is perhaps the most important question you will ask yourself. It will be your guiding light throughout the process, helping you pinpoint your target audience, and answer  the questions: why would people want to listen? What value am I offering? Maybe you want to do a podcast that uplifts and inspires. Maybe you’d like to position yourself as an expert in your field and through educating, grow your business. Are you a writer or publisher? Doing an audiobook will offer a whole new dimension to the way your story is told, and will also perhaps find a whole new audience for it. The clearer you are about your why, the easier it will be to make decisions about your how and what.


The How.

The next stage is all about making choices. And there are so many to make when it comes to an audio project. There are so many different kinds of podcasts: solo show, interview, conversational format with a co-host or panel, or long form narrative, just to name a few. Then, decisions need to be made about tone, format, structure and schedule. How scripted or spontaneous do you want it to be? How will you record the podcast— remotely, in-person or both? Our job is to work with you to make the very best and strongest choices for your project. We’ll also walk you through the equipment-buying process if you are setting up a home studio. If it’s an audiobook, what is your vision for the production? Are you thinking something immersive or more traditional? What are you hearing in your head? When your characters speak to you, what do they sound like? What are those vocal qualities? The how is such a fun stage because there are so many possibilities.


The What. 

Once we’ve brainstormed about the why and how, next comes the what, which is the execution stage. This is about casting, recording, editing, producing, publishing and distributing. This is also the stage where most of the coaching happens. We’ll help you prepare for your tapings and connect with your audience and/or co-hosts. We’ll help you breakdown the barriers that keep you from revealing your authentic self, so that your why shines through, and you begin building relationship. The casting process for your audiobook is always a collaborative one. You, the client are always in the driver’s seat but we are here to offer our professional opinion and guidance. As production begins, we’ll make sure the narrator we’ve hired for your audiobook is headed down the right path and we’ll deliver any notes or direction you may have throughout the process.

What It Takes to Create a Successful Podcast